Our Mission

The Bubs Foundation’s mission is to awaken in young people a passion for expression and learning through music. To support our mission, we provide financial grants to middle and high schools to augment under funded programs and to support inspiring music teachers.

During tough economic times, budget makers often look to the arts when needing to make cuts. We think that’s a shame and we deplore the fact that in several public schools in the greater Boston area, music programs have been cut to the bone or eliminated entirely. Our grant program is meant to give a lift to those professionals who work hard every day to teach music in difficult circumstances and, in our own small way, we hope we’re lending a voice for the importance of music education in the schools.

Be The Music

At the start of our second decade, we launched a new program, aimed at leveraging the principal tenet of the Beelzebubs organization, namely “Fun Through Song.” An after-school music education program, Be the Music® provides a turnkey a cappella ensemble curriculum for schools as an after-school or in-school program and has been implemented in several Boston area schools. Teachers in the program are members of current collegiate a cappella groups and others with a passion for music education. The Bubs Foundation intends to expand the program into additional schools and community agencies.